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A passion for porcelain

Unlimited washbasins are made of splendid Italian porcelain and they are available in 6 widths. In a nutshell; a practical washbasin with the elegance of a design model. Combinable with all spacious 45 cm deep washbasin cabinets, the Unlimited porcelain washbasins also offers the interesting possibility of being installed independently, direct on the wall. Thus, you create even more space in your bathroom, including clever combinations with a single-drawer washbasin cabinet. A fittingly named washbasin with virtually unlimited creative potential.


60 x 45 x 11 cm

70 x 45 x 11 cm

90 x 45 x 11 cm

100 x 45 x 11 cm

120 x 45 x 11 cm (single)

120 x 45 x 11 cm (double)

140 x 45 x 11 cm (double)



With handles

Handleless aluminum rim

Handleless wooden rim

Handleless wooden rim single

Handleless lacquered

Handleless lacquered single

Push to open

In our overview you can see at a glance which colours and cabinets are available for this series

Colour washbasin:





gloss white

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